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Destiny Bay Sweet Romances Tour: Run Run Runaway by Helen Conrad

 On tour with Prism Book Tours

Launching the REVIEW & EXCERPT TOUR for the
Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
by Helen Conrad

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 18

Intro to Run Run Runaway
From Author Helen Conrad

Run Run Runaway is the Sweet Edition of My Little Runaway, the story of Reid Carrington and Jennifer Thornton.

They say you can’t go home again—but Jennifer’s going to try.

It’s not her idea. In fact, she fights it—but she’s always been in love with Reid Carrington and she knows how much he wants her to make the attempt—so she takes the leap, risking her own happiness. Meanwhile, Reid thinks he’s going to make her come back to face her responsibilities, but he ends up learning a few things about himself—and about Jennifer—that change his life for the better.

This sort of story always appealed to me. It’s actually a story of self-sacrifice. We all have times when people we love don’t understand why we do things we feel we have to do. Jennifer leaves home so she won’t have to tell her parents a truth they don’t want to know about her brother. They see it as selfish willfulness. She knows it’s really just the opposite. But her sacrifice is worth it to preserve their peace of mind. And once Reid fully understands her motives, he loves her more than ever. Still, it isn’t easy getting there!

Run Run Runaway
Destiny Bay Romances - Forever Yours
(Sweet Edition #1)
by Helen Conrad
Adult Romance
Paperback & Ebook, 169 pages
March 28th 2014 by Doorknock Publishing

It seemed like a good idea at the time. 

The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the trip–it's you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn't want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?

Recipes for Jennifer's Mango Salsa and Tilly's Bruschetta included. 

Purchase from Amazon.

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Image of Helen Conrad

Helen Conrad is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 90 romances (over 15 million copies sold) published under various pseudonyms with Harlequin, Silhouette, Loveswept, and others. She is currently revamping and rewriting much of her backlist—mainly into the Destiny Bay Romances Series. The first six, the Forever Yours Series, are being rewritten as Sweet Editions.

Website - Facebook - Goodreads

A Little About the Destiny Bay Romances: Sweet Editions
From Author Helen Conrad

"The Destiny Bay Romances take place in the sort of beach town I've always loved--and now I live in one! But writing about beach towns came first and this series is centered on the rich, influential Carrington family living along the California Coast, and in Hawaii. These are good-looking, fast-driving, hard-hitting men and women whose impulses lead them into trouble every time--and inevitably to fall in love.

The original series includes language and love scenes that aren't, for the most part, especially harsh and explicit--but some of my readers from my years writing sweets for Harlequin as Raye Morgan have asked if we couldn't have sweet and clean versions--and I thought--what a good idea! 

These are basically the same stories...but with the conflicts softened a bit, the language cleaned up, and no explicit love scenes. There are still a few adult situations, but they're muted. Consider these the PG versions. 

I hope you enjoy them!"

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- US Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and paperbacks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
- INT Grand Prize: $20 Amazon gift card and ebooks of Run Run RunawayA Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast
- 2 sets of ebooks of Run Run Runaway, A Little Blackmail, and Moving Too Fast (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The other books coming up on this tour:

A Little Blackmail
May 19 - Book Intro

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 25

Moving Too Fast
May 26 - Book Intro

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

Jun 1

June 2 - Grand Finale

Prism Book Tours
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Tressa @ Wishful Endings


  1. My family loves to go camping and be outdoors. It's so relaxing to sit by the lake in the quiet and enjoy nature.

  2. I live in Hawaii so beach would be my favorite setting

  3. I think having a quiet dinner at a nice restaurant is romantic enough :). Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  4. I love historical romance settings so whether its true to an era or to the settlement of an era, I find them intriguing.

  5. We have only one main beach, Hampton Beach NH. We goes there and hang out.

  6. My favorite setting for romance is at National Park. Camping and Trekking.

  7. I love the country, so to me a picnic in the country is romantic.


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